4 Easy Ways to Make More Sustainable Beauty Choices

In recent years, there’s been such a huge movement towards living sustainably and making choices that are better for the world in general. My family have always been big on recycling and whilst I was living away at University, I tried to carry this on; I was more aware of what I was chucking away, whether that be food or packaging, I tried to keep an eye on water consumption and what I was buying, and very often opted for public transport or walking where possible.

However, I have to admit, as a student living on a budget with a pretty busy life, this wasn’t always the easiest thing to do. I definitely could’ve done more, but now a year out of University I’ve been reading up so much more on how to live sustainably and I’ve tried to make a few more changes. This is largely because I now have the means to do this; this isn’t the case for everyone though so don’t feel bad if you’re not able to it.

Today, I wanted to talk about how I’ve been trying to make more sustainable choices in regards to beauty. Of course I still recycle but I’ve definitely found that I’m using public transport less and less. After reading up, I know as much as you can do is the best you can do; I can’t stop the amount I use my car as I need it for work, but I can make changes, albeit small, to my beauty routine to try to counteract.

Below, I’ve outlined the ways in which I’ve tried to make more sustainable beauty choices – it’s definitely not exhaustive and there’s much more I could do so if you have any more suggestions, please leave them in the comments!

Awareness of Packaging Waste

I never really paid attention to this when I was younger but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed how much packaging, specifically plastic, is involved in the beauty industry. I now try to buy products in glass packaging (mainly moisturisers or serums) and when that’s not as possible (most make-up) I aim for products that have recyclable cardboard packaging.

Using Reusable Products

This is biggest change I’ve made. I used to go through so many face wipes and cotton pads. However, I now have the means to buy natural skin care and washable muslin cloths as well as reusable cotton pads – I can’t remember the last time I used a face wipe. I opted for reusable cotton pads to use for toner and nail varnish remover pads so I no longer had to use the single-use ones.

I found these from Tabitha Eve on Etsy. I opted for the Cotton Make-Up pads and then discovered there was an option for the ‘imperfect’ ones – they’re essentially just not perfectly round and thus cheaper. I mean, I don’t think the shape of a cotton pad is biggest issue in the world and I thought it would mean less waste so chose the ‘imperfect’ option.

I also found these reusable nail varnish remover pads from The Stitchery Dorset on Etsy. Removing nail varnish was the main way I used cotton pads before so this has definitely cut down my consumption of single use products. Better for the environment and for my bank balance.

Making Natural/Vegan/Cruelty Free Choices

I have to admit, I never really gave this a second thought when I was younger. I just bought whatever I thought looked nice. I still shop like this, but before I buy I take a moment to check is it natural? Vegan? Cruelty free? I do have make-up products that don’t fall into these categories and I don’t want to waste them, and I most likely will still buy products that don’t in the future. But I do make a conscious effort to consider my decision and opt for the better choice where I can.

Reducing Amount of Buying

This is the biggest one for me. I used to just buy beauty products because I wanted them and they looked nice. I now try to restrict what I buy to what I need. I like a treat now and then, but it’s definitely much less than it used to be. I personally do not need an excess of beauty products and I find this is such a good way to make more sustainable choices – I try not to have ten different types or colours of the same products.

How I Can Do Better

Whilst I have made some pretty big changes (considering where I was at before), I can still work to educate myself further and make more informed choices. I’d like to be able to buy more natural and ethical products and see where else I can implement reusable alternatives to cut down on single use. For example, I still like to use a sheet mask. I aim to research reusable options, or face masks that are not single use.

I’m so aware that these are very small changes in a quest to live more sustainably, but every little thing adds up, so although it sometimes feels pointless, it’s not. I’m hoping to move out into my own house soon where I can make an even bigger push to make sustainable living choices.

What sustainable choices do you make? Any other things I should be doing?

29 thoughts on “4 Easy Ways to Make More Sustainable Beauty Choices

  1. Nancy says:

    It is great that you are making the moves to be more sustainable when it comes to beauty. We use so much cotton, it is scary! Same with packaging waste. Sometimes, the sustainable option when it comes to packaging can cost more, so I am hoping that this will go down as time goes on! I am big on reducing the amount of buying. I rather buy something I like and finish it before moving on. Thanks for sharing all of this!!

    Nancy ✨ exquisitely.me

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jaya Avendel says:

    I love the little note on the make-up pads! That is so sweet and conscious at the same time.
    So much waste is generated across the fashion and beauty industries, so I love that you share some tips and companies that help promote sustainability. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. thathappyreader says:

    I too have made the change to Bamboo make up pads after having another blogger write about the subject. I had no idea that this alternative was available. I’m not really a nail person but if I decide I want to be I would buy a reusable product like what you’ve suggested. This is a great post and gives me the inspiration to look further as to what I can change to protect our environment.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Chloe Chats says:

    Great post! I have also been changing a few things so I can be more sustainable. I have re-usable make-up cloths to clean my face which I love – I definitely used to use far too many face wipes too! I also now use shampoo bars instead of buying shampoo bottles, I would recommend them. They do take a little bit to get used to but I find them great now xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • alexfaithwrites says:

      Thank you for reading! I’ve not even thought about changing up my hair care yet but I feel like it’s a great next step! I’ll have a look into shampoo bars, thank you for the suggestion x


  5. sunkissedlexblog says:

    This is great! I’m glad to see people making the effort to buy more sustainable products! I use reusable cotton pads and I absolutely love them! I’ve never seen the nail varnish remover though, so I’m definitely going to check into that! Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. ✨Teresa Maria | Outlandish Blog✨ (@TeresamariaThe) says:

    Aaaw I love that they sell the ‘disfigured’ cotton pads cheaper, I’d definitely go for those ones! You know, always rooting for the underdog and all that 😉 I’ve been meaning to change the single use cotton pads for reusable ones for a while now but I haven’t yet found a brand that would sell enough pads per package. I know this is the shittiest excuse ever but I don’t want to put my money on something I’m not 100% happy about. I’m starting to run out of the disposable pads though so I hope I find a good brand soon!

    Teresa Maria | Outlandish Blog

    Liked by 1 person

    • alexfaithwrites says:

      I do know what you mean, they’re a commitment so you want to make sure you get good ones! I really like the ones I’ve got and I think they sell in packs of ten as well as five, but there’s so many brands selling them too! I hope you find what you’re looking for x


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